UL Prospector

Bâtonnage® Plus 150 KD


Bâtonnage® Plus 150 KD is a refining agent composed exclusively by yeast cell walls, selected through an exclusive chemical-physical process studied by Pascal Biotech. Bâtonnage® Plus 150 KD the presence of substrata is harmonically increased, merging with other constituents and giving pleasant sensations of more volume and velvety impressions even in wines requiring long refinement.


AEB Group consists of 15 associated/controlled companies, covering 5 continents. They provide products suitable for oenology and beer, as well as various other food applications. Supplying yeasts, enzymes, filter aids, and numerous other products, AEB is unique for its exclusive formulations, which are designed to fix problems and satisfy the needs of the industry.


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AEB Group

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