UL Prospector

Albakoll™ T


Albakoll™ T has been developed to match the particular needs of the vinegar process technology. Vinegar is a very difficult media to treat for its richness in colloids. It needs to be stabilized, clarified and make easy to process. Albakoll™ T reacts very well in this low pH and high colloids level conditions, improving polyphenols colloids stability and color hue, removing turbidity and haze to obtain a good clarity level, removing heat unstable protein with balanced bentonite content. The clarification is very rapid (24-48 hours) and results in very compact sediments. Thanks to its composition and wide action spectrum Albakoll™ T can be successfully applied on white wines very difficult to fine or filter. They usually are pressings or wines with very thick and persistent haze, due to colloid richness.


Dal Cin manufactures and specializes in bentonites and clarification/filtration media for solid and liquid separation. Their products are used in the filtration of juices, beer, waste waters and solvents for example. Dal Cin has world wide distribution.


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