UL Prospector

BrewMasters Ale Yeast


BrewMasters Ale Yeast is a dry selected yeast (English Ale) of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When selecting this top fermenting yeast, special importance was attached to optimal attenuation properties. The yeast strain is propagated in pure culture, washed and carefully dried. Admitted according to laws and regulations presently valid in the EU. Due to the high viable cell count, extract is reduced as quickly as possible and a high final fermentation degree is obtained. The formation of undesirable fermentation by-products is prevented.


Erbslöh Geisenheim AG is a supplier of fruit-based beverages for the beverage industry. This company has a wide variety of products such as wines, beers, spirits, and juices. They use many filtration methods including filter sheets that contain a cross-linked fibre structure as well as special cellulose fibres. This company also uses modern distillation technologies to produce their high quality spirits.


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Erbslöh Geisenheim AG

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