UL Prospector

MantroShield MA200

MantroShield MA200 (Malic Acid) is a fat-free encapsulated acid crystal product designed to potentiate the sour flavor of gummies, licorice, and gummy vitamin products in a more health conscious format. The MantroShield food acids incorporate leading-edge coatings technology and are designed to tackle common quality issues associated with confectionery product formulations including sugar inversion, hygroscopicity, crystal disappearance, moist surfaces, along with color and flavor changes. This product is highly stable and often affords reduced coating weight, delivering a quick, clean acid flavor release while allowing for lower overall sanding usage levels.


Mantrose-Haeuser is a leader in edible coatings and specialty ingredients for Food, Beverage and Nutrition. Mantrose products have application in baked goods, fried foods, glazes, chocolate enrobed bars and biscuits, seeds, nuts, croutons and snacks to help create effects such as less crumbling, moisture control, lower fat uptake, adhesion and binding and more. The NatureSeal product line keeps produce fresh.





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