UL Prospector

Colostrum 30


Colostrum 30% IG is a bovine colostrum from certified Dutch Dairy. It is a freeze dried food quality colostrum with a good level of antibody and is highly bioactive. It is used to Improve gut health and immunity, and suitable for newborn animals, for athletes and power sports focusing on recovery after stress and injury.


Vitomega is an independent company that operates, through a professional system, to collect and process bovine colostrum powder of various quality. They offer three bovine colostrum products that are from certified Dutch Dairies - C15, C20 and C30. C30 is their standard product that is freeze dried from the first milking and is high in antibodies and is highly bioactive. C20 is freeze dried from the first and second milking and is only has good levels of antibodies but still highly bioactive. C15 is for the lower budget applications with only acceptable levels of antibodies but still highly bioactive.





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