UL Prospector

Dairy Intolerance

Dairy Intolerance helps to alleviate the occasional discomfort experienced by individuals sensitive to dairy products. Most commonly, this sensitivity is caused by an insufficiency of lactase enzyme, resulting in non-digested lactose fermentation later in the gut. However, insufficiencies of protein- or fat-digesting enzymes may also contribute to the same discomforts. To address all of these insufficiencies, each capsule delivers lactase to aid digestion of milk sugar (lactose), lipase for fat digestion, and a protease selected standardized according to how fast it breaks apart β-lactoglobulin units (BLGU’s) because β-lactoglobulin is the major whey protein of cow’s milk.


National Enzyme Company is a leader in nutritional enzyme technology for dietary supplement services in the Food, Beverage and Nutrition industry. Their enzymes include alpha-galactosidase, amylase, beta-glucanase, bromelain, catalase, cellulose, glucoamylase and more. NEC’s products offer health benefits for brain function, digestive, immune, joint, bone, muscle and skin health, and metabolic and cardio health.



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