UL Prospector

Insta Grains® Rye Flakes


Insta Grains® Rye Flakes are precooked rye flakes with a large surface area that are readily soluble and digestible by the naturally occuring enzymes in barley malt. This allows the flakes to be incorporated directly into the mash with other grains sans milling. Insta Grains® Rye Flakes are ideal for imparting a rye flavor to rye beers.


Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. processes grains and starches into healthy and all-natural ingredients for the Food, Beverage and Nutrition industry. Briess also produces products that have application in brewing and distilling. Ingredients include natural sweeteners, malt flours, grain flours, potato ingredients, cocoa replacer, wheat malts, Munich malts, kilned malts, roasted caramel malts and many more.


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Briess Malt & Ingredients Co.

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