UL Prospector

Extra Hard Winter Butter (Sweet Cream, Unsalted, Without Color)


Extra Hard Winter Butter (Sweet Cream, Unsalted, Without Color) is a pale, sweet cream, unsalted butter with an extremely firm texture. Sweet cream butter has not been cultured before the churning process. This prevents lactose fermentation from taking place, resulting in a milder buttery flavor. Extra Hard Winter Butter (Sweet Cream, Unsalted, Without Color) is most commonly used in cake, dough, short bread, Viennoiserie, and puff pastry applications.


Royal VIV Buisman produces a full range of milk fat and butter products for applications like (recombined) dairy, ice cream, flavours, chocolate and bakery. They are one of the head experts in partly skimmed milk powder, butter blends, milk fat preparations, fractionated milk fat (low, middle and high melting fractions), deodorised milk fat (white AMF), Anhydrous Milk Fat, concentrated butter, texturised butter and churned butter.


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