UL Prospector

Albakoll™ R


Albakoll™ R has been made for use in red wines to achieve a high degree of clarity and at the same time remove harsh tannins. The selected albumin react in a similar manner to egg albumin but with less risk of over fining and produces a rather rounder palate structure. The bentonite component is also effective for protein stabilization of rosé wines and the removal of unstable colloidal colors. Rapid clarification is achieved in 24-48 hours improving filtration and stability. One important feature is the very compact and stable heels.


Dal Cin manufactures and specializes in bentonites and clarification/filtration media for solid and liquid separation. Their products are used in the filtration of juices, beer, waste waters and solvents for example. Dal Cin has world wide distribution.


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Dal Cin Gildo Spa

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