UL Prospector

2B Red 48:3 Product Code - TCR48303


2B Red 48:3 Product Code - TCR48303 is a red powder in chemical class BONA, Sr and a color index number C.I. pigment of red 48:3. It has a specific gravity (water=1) of 1.60~1.90, a specific surface of 30~60 m^2/g, and a bulk volume of 2.2~2.6 l/kg. This product can be applied in printing inks and paint.


Trust Chem Europe BV is a global producer of organic pigments used in the Paint and Coatings industry. This company offers an extensive range of high performance pigments and classic pigments for use in industrial coatings, decorative coatings, automotive coatings, coil coatings, and powder coatings. These raw materials can improve the resistance of industrial substrates to meet weathering requirements.


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Trust Chem Europe BV

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