UL Prospector

Atresal M2391/50 D X


Atresal M2391/50 D X is medium oil fast drying alkyd resin, consisting of high quality fatty acid, aliphatic naphtha, and xylene, that is suitable for the production of high quality air drying industrial coatings, radiator and machine paints, with through drying and fast surface. Atcoat alkyd resins are based on natural raw materials like fatty acids, plant, and animal. Atresal M2391/50 D X has an oil length of 49, a solid of 50%, and a viscosity of 90 to 120 sec.


Atcoat production is distinguished by its highly technological and automated production system as well as a skilled, qualified and coordinated production team. The systems for the production of consolidated powder polyester, solvent-based, liquid alkyd resins and polyester, and alkyd emulsions are separate from each other so that any kind of contamination can be avoided and compromises to the system design do not need to be found. Their products have a variety of applications for the paint and coating industry including UV curing varnishes, paints, and lacquers.


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