UL Prospector

GEOlube® 60 W 1000


GEOlube® 60 W 1000 is a water soluble, monol initiated oxide / propylene oxide co-polymer manufactured to provide a viscosity of 1000 cSt @ 40°C. For the majority of application areas, the performance of the GEOlube® 60 W range is equivalent to that of the established 50 A range. The GEOlube® 60 W range is fully compatible with the 50 A range and can be blended with intermediate viscosity products using label-free lower viscosity GEOlube® 50 A grades. In this way, complete ISO VG viscosity ranges can be manufactured.


GEO Specialty Chemicals is a world leader in the manufacturing of cost-effective, high-quality specialty chemicals. Their lubricants improve efficiencies, reduce torque and drag, extend lateral penetration and reduce drilling time, and they provide many other benefits. The company also offers strong and versatile production capabilities with plants strategically located worldwide to reduce costs for customers.


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