UL Prospector

Natural SW


Natural SW is a mixture of 5 fermented ingredients of soybean, rice, ginseng, adlay, and potato. The raw materials used for Natural SW is well known anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-allergic, skin soothing effects. When we tested the efficacy, we found that Natural SW has anti-inflammatory and skin brightening effects.

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The Garden of Naturalsolution Co., Ltd. (former Natural Solution Co.,Ltd.) is one of the leading cosmetic ingredient suppliers in Korea. Extracted using an ultrasonic extraction method, their natural ingredients are obtained from various plants, mushrooms, and marine plants. The company provides a wide range of botanical ingredients with anti-oxidant, anti-wrinkling, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and skin brightening activities.

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The Garden of Naturalsolution Co., Ltd. (former Natural Solution Co.,Ltd.) stellt seine Produktinformationen in den unten aufgezeigten Regionen zur Verfügung:


The Garden of Naturalsolution Co., Ltd. (former Natural Solution Co.,Ltd.)

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